Just My Luck

October 21, 2007 at 5:27 pm (blogging, myself & I, real life, worries/concerns)

This weekend is my last one off for quite some time, for this reason I decided to go on the weekend camping trip with that recreational group for developmentally challenged youth and adults. The recreational group does several camping trips during the fall. I usually attend all of them, but now that I’m living up North, going to college, and working a new job (or will be) I won’t be able to go to all of them.

So this weekend was dedicated to going camping with the recreational group. I got to the cabin late on Friday night with a fellow volunteer who offered to pick me up on her way down to camp. I had an awesome time hanging out with the members and catching up with everybody. Heck I had such an amazing time I left with a spinal injury! What fun!

This sort of thing only seems to happen to me, so I’m quite used to it. It happened around 5pm on Saturday. One of the other volunteers and I were goofing off and rough housing downstairs in the basement. We were hanging with a bunch of people and we were all having a blast laughing and joking around. Two of the male members decided to join in on the rough housing and shoved us. The girl and I slide down the wall and to the ground. Then they jumped on us. Unfortunately for me, most of their weight came down on my head and back. I instantly felt two pops and extreme pain and sort of fell to my right. Then I couldn’t get up.

I was lying on the cold floor for several minutes. I don’t think everyone else realized how serious it was at first, as they were laughing. Then the other volunteers started to clue in. I was crying because it hurt a lot, and I was also yelling at the two guys who jumped on me. I feel bad for it, but I was told to not feel guilty. Greg, my old boss and the Program Director, came down and after a quick inspection after I told him what happened he said that I had probably cracked a disc in my spine, as it was swollen and it hurt a lot.

I called my boyfriend (since my dad was still on vacation and my mom was out with her friends and I didn’t want to bother her) and he came to pick me up. He tried to pressure me into going to the hospital but I didn’t want to. He had to work at 9 and I knew he wouldn’t be able to stay with me. Still though, he wouldn’t let me go home to an empty house. He forced me to stay at his house, and I found it endearing that his parents took care of me. His dad found some pain killers that helped get me to sleep and his mom kept checking on me.

I still am having back pain, but since I’m able to move I don’t want to go to the hospital. I know I probably should have, but it’s probably nothing. Not to mention, getting a hold of my specialist would take a long time. They can’t really do anything for a cracked disc anyway. I would imagine that they would just drug me up and tell me to take it easy and not tackle anybody.

The really sucky part is that I start work tomorrow. It’s my first day. Not only was I really nervous about starting a new job with new people, but now I get to be really nervous about starting a new job with new people and doing a horrible job because my back will hurt so much.

Sigh. This sort of thing is just my luck.


  1. Girl, Dislocated said,

    First of all, I think you’re entitled to a lot more than just YELLING at the guys who jumped on you.

    I do think you should get your back checked out, but that makes me a hypocrite because I would have refused too if I was in your position! 😛 If I’m not having a heart attack, haven’t been shot, and nothing is out of place that I can’t fix myself, I ain’t going to the hospital!

    I hope you feel better, preferably by tomorrow!

  2. JC said,

    Girl, Dislocated; I felt I was entitled to a little bit of yelling. I know I probably should get my back checked out, but usually they can find “nothing wrong” with me. When I broke my toe back in August, they told me there was nothing they could do because they couldn’t cast it. They can’t cast my back either now can they?
    I hope I feel better tomorrow too, nothing like a first day of work with extra back pain!

  3. Connie said,

    Oh those silly boys. Let me have at them!

    I pray that you’ll be OK for tomorrow. If your back is hurting or you’re loopy from pain meds, just sit down and act like it’s the most normal thing in the world. For me it is.

    Take care and let us know how you’re doing.

  4. X-Rays and E-mails « A Medical Mystery said,

    […] x-rayed to see if I really did do something to the discs…since I never did that after the back injury I received last […]

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